First Name
Last Name
Phone (mobile number preferred if possible)
Are you available to volunteer on site on 23 March 2025?
Please tick one box only
Yes, I am available to volunteer on site any time between 9am and 6pm
Yes, I am available to volunteer on site any time between 12pm and 6pm
Yes, I would like to help on the day but I am only available to volunteer on site between 9am and 12pm
Yes, I would like to help on the day but I am only available to volunteer on site between 12pm and 3pm
Yes, I would like to help on the day but I am only available to volunteer on site between 3pm and 6pm
No, I am not available to volunteer on site on 23 March but I would like to help in other ways
What skill(s) can you offer on the day?
Please tick multiple boxes if applicable. You can add any comments or questions in the text box at the end of the form.
Traffic and Parking
Checking Entry Tickets (you will need a mobile phone capable of downloading the Ticket Tailor Check-in App)
Taking Cash Payments
Taking Card Payments (you will need a mobile phone capable of downloading the Square App)
Serving Refreshments
General Welcome, with particular focus on attendees with special needs
Help with Set-up (e.g. erecting gazebos, setting out chairs and tables, erecting signage around Wheatley etc.). You will need to be available between 9am and 12pm
Help with Break-down (e.g. dismantling gazebos, packing away chairs and tables). You will need to be available from around 3pm to 6pm.
Delivering Messages between different areas of the site (cyclists are particularly suited to this role)
Help with Technical Set-up (e.g. mobile phone apps, radios)
Other (please explain below)
Are you a qualified First Aider?
Do you have a current DBS certificate
Are you willing to bake cakes beforehand?
Please add any other relevant information