Music at St Nicolas
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Music for our Zoom Services
Since July 2020, singers from our Four Parishes have been recording hymns, songs, carols and organ music for our online Zoom services. The organ voluntaries and accompaniments are recorded in church by our organists, Peter Stutfield (Forest Hill) and Derek Jewell (Horton-cum-Studley). Each of the singers records themselves individually at home and then we mix the recordings together to form a ‘virtual choir’. Click on the buttons below to listen to the music. We hope you enjoy it!
St Nicolas Choir
There has been a choir at St Nicolas for over 100 years. The regular choir ceased to exist towards the end of the twentieth century, but a 'Christmas choir' continued for many years under the direction of Mary Rose Seldon, who was organist until her death in 2016. The choir was re-established by Julia and Peter Stutfield in January 2017 and now sings at several services during the year, including traditional Choral Evensong and the monthly Children’s Church at St Nicolas.
The Organ at St Nicolas
The organ at St Nicolas is a single manual (56 keys, low C to high G3), with tracker action, straight pedal board (30 keys, low C to high F1) and latch swell pedal. Built by Charles Martin in 1883.
Stops (all full range):
Pedal: 16' Bourdon
Great: 8' Open Diapason, Stopped Diapason, Gamba, Voix Celeste
4' Flute, Principal
2' Fifteenth
Coupler: Great to Pedal