Choral Evensong, 6pm
Click on the picture to see the full music list (usually available about a week before the service date)

BCP Morning Prayer, 11am
Morning Prayer service from the Book of Common Prayer. This service is in traditional language.

Choral Evensong, 6pm
Click on the picture to see the full music list (usually available about a week before the service date)

Children's Church at St Nicolas
This service lasts less than 30 minutes and is particularly suitable for pre-school and primary school children and their families.

Joint Benefice Service at Stanton St John, 10am
Monthly service for the combined congregations of the Four Parishes of Beckley, Forest Hill, Horton-cum-Studley and Stanton St John. This service alternates between the four churches and normally takes place on the fourth Sunday of the month.

BCP Morning Prayer, 11am
Morning Prayer service from the Book of Common Prayer. This service is in traditional language.

Choral Evensong, 6pm
Click on the picture to see the full music list (usually available about a week before the service date)

Children's Church at St Nicolas
This service lasts less than 30 minutes and is particularly suitable for pre-school and primary school children and their families.

Joint Benefice Service at Forest Hill, 10am
Monthly service for the combined congregations of the Four Parishes of Beckley, Forest Hill, Horton-cum-Studley and Stanton St John. This service alternates between the four churches and normally takes place on the fourth Sunday of the month.

BCP Morning Prayer, 11am
Morning Prayer service from the Book of Common Prayer. This service is in traditional language.
Epiphany Carol Service, 6pm
A service to celebrate the season of Epiphany with hymns and readings and a selection of carols sung by the choir.

Children's Church at St Nicolas
This service lasts less than 30 minutes and is particularly suitable for pre-school and primary school children and their families.

Christmas Day Holy Communion, 11am
Joint Christmas morning service for St Nicolas, Forest Hill and St John the Baptist, Stanton St John

Christmas Eve Holy Communion at Stanton St John, 11pm
Also known as ‘Midnight Mass’, this service is an opportunity to celebrate the very beginning of Christmas Day.

Children's Crib Service, 4pm
A short service, particularly suited to children, focusing on the Christmas story.

'Looking for the Light' Service at Forest Hill, 7pm
An opportunity for quiet reflection in the lead up to Christmas.

Advent Carols with the St Nicolas Choir, 6pm
A service to celebrate the coming of Christmas with Advent hymns and readings and a selection of carols sung by the St Nicolas Choir.

Joint Benefice Service at Forest Hill, 10am
Monthly service for the combined congregations of the Four Parishes of Beckley, Forest Hill, Horton-cum-Studley and Stanton St John. This service alternates between the four churches and normally takes place on the fourth Sunday of the month.

BCP Morning Prayer, 11am
Morning Prayer service from the Book of Common Prayer. This service is in traditional language.
Remembrance Sunday Service of Holy Communion, 11.15am
Holy Communion service from Common Worship.

Act of Remembrance, 10.45am
Join us by the War Memorial in the Cemetery for the Act of Remembrance, followed by a service in church after the two minutes silence at 11am.

Children's Church at St Nicolas
This service lasts less than 30 minutes and is particularly suitable for pre-school and primary school children and their families.