Zoom Service Music
Since July 2020, singers from our Four Parishes have been recording hymns, songs, carols and organ music for our online Zoom services. The organ voluntaries and accompaniments are recorded in church by our organists, Peter Stutfield (Forest Hill) and Derek Jewell (Horton-cum-Studley). Each of the singers records themselves individually at home and then we mix the recordings together to form a ‘virtual choir’. All the music is available below to play or sing along to. Music for the next service will appear at the top of the page a short while before the service. Hymns and Worship Songs from previous services are listed alphabetically, followed by Taizé Chants and then Christmas carols.
The full collection of organ voluntaries can be heard here. Recordings of some of our online services and the music for recent or upcoming services are available on the Four Parishes website.
Hymns and Worship Songs
Abide with me
All glory, laud and honour
All things bright and beautiful
Alleluia, Alleluia, hearts to heaven
Amazing Grace (a capella version)
At the Lamb’s high feast
Awake, awake, fling off the night
Be still for the presence of the Lord
Angel voices ever singing
Christ, whose glory fills the skies
Colours of Day (Light up the fire)
Come down, O love divine
Earth has many a noble city
Father, Lord of all creation
Firmly I believe and Truly
Fishers of Men
For all the saints
For Mary, Mother of our Lord
Forty days and forty nights
Give me joy in my heart (Sing Hosanna)
Glorious things of thee are spoken
Glory to thee, my God, this night
God is love: let heav’n adore him
Great is thy faithfulness
Hail the day that sees him rise
Hark a thrilling voice is sounding
He comes to us as one unknown
He’s got the whole world in his hand
Here I am, Lord
Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty
How shall I sing that majesty
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
Immortal, invisible God only wise
In Christ alone
Jesus Christ is risen today
Just as I am, without one plea
Kum ba yah
Lord Jesus Christ (Living Lord)
Lord Jesus, think on me
Lord of all hopefulness
Lord of the dance
Love Divine, all loves excelling
Loving Shepherd of thy sheep
Make me a channel of your peace
Morning has broken
Now thank we all our God
O God, our help in ages past
O gracious light
O Lord my God (How great thou art)
O thou who at thy Eucharist
O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness
Purify my heart
Rejoice, the Lord is King
Ride on, ride on in majesty
Shine, Jesus, shine
Take up thy cross
Tell out my soul
That Eastertide with joy was bright
The day thou gavest
The Lord’s my Shepherd
There’s a wideness in God’s mercy
Thine be the glory
Thou didst leave thy throne
‘Tis good, Lord, to be here
We give immortal praise
We love the place, O God
We plough the fields and scatter
When Jesus came to Jordan
Ye choirs of new Jerusalem
Ye holy angels bright
You shall go out with joy
Taizé Chants
Adoramus te, Domine
Bless the Lord, my soul
O Lord, hear my prayer
Wait for the Lord
Christmas Carols