Zoom Service Music
Since July 2020, singers from our Four Parishes have been recording hymns, songs, carols and organ music for our online Zoom services. The organ voluntaries and accompaniments are recorded in church by our organists, Peter Stutfield (Forest Hill) and Derek Jewell (Horton-cum-Studley). Each of the singers records themselves individually at home and then we mix the recordings together to form a ‘virtual choir’. All the music is available below to play or sing along to. Music for the next service will appear at the top of the page a short while before the service. Hymns and Worship Songs from previous services are listed alphabetically, followed by Taizé Chants and then Christmas carols.
The full collection of organ voluntaries can be heard here. Recordings of some of our online services and the music for recent or upcoming services are available on the Four Parishes website.
Hymns and Worship Songs
Taizé Chants
Christmas Carols