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Choral Evensong, 6pm

  • St Nicolas Church Main Street, Forest Hill OX33 1EB United Kingdom (map)

Choral Evensong with the St Nicolas Choir. The music list is as follows:

Introit: O Lux beata Trinitas (O Trinity, most blessed light)

Opening hymn: Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty!

Preces and Responses: RSCM congregational

Psalm 50 v7-15 from the Parish Psalter

Canticles: Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis from the Parish Psalter

Anthem: Tchaikovsky - Hymn to the Trinity

Evening hymn: Glory to thee, my God this night.

Earlier Event: 4 June
Children's Service at St Nicolas
Later Event: 18 June
Morning Prayer at St Nicolas, 11am